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Ridderkerk Logistics

Ridderkerk Logistics Investment Volume approx. 50 mln


It concerns a sale and leaseback for the new construction of a transport/logistics company.
The state-of-the-art building will be over 30,000 m² in size and will have fully cooled business space for the storage and distribution of fresh products. The building will have the latest sustainability technologies so that VDH can serve its customers as greenly as possible in the field of sustainable storage and distribution. The basic principle is that the building meets the standards for a BREEAM Excellent label. VDH has committed to this development through a long-term lease agreement.

Construction, which will be carried out by Bouwbedrijf Fraanje, will start in July 2024 and be completed in the fourth quarter of 2025, after which VDH will move in immediately.